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William Young, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Curriculum and Academic Policy; Professor of Mathematics
- Ph.D., Mathematics, Vanderbilt University
- M.S., Mathematics, Vanderbilt University
- B.S., Mathematics, with minors in Philosophy and Anthropology, Purdue University
Dr. Young joined the Huntingdon College faculty in the fall semester, 2013.
Research Interests:
Universal Algebra, Algebraic Logic, Residuated Lattices
Cuchta, T., Lokken, K.A., and Young, W., Zero-Divisor Graphs of Localizations and modular Rings, Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics, Journal, 9 (2), 2008 (electronic)
Young, W., Projective Objects in the Categories of Abelian l-groups and MV-algebras. Algebra Universalis, accepted.
Conference Presentations:
2012, Free MV-algebras inside Free Abelian l-groups. Logic, Algebra, and Truth Degrees 2012. Kanazawa, Japan.
2012, Algebras Induced by a Unary Term. ManyVal ’12. Salerno, Italy.
2011, A Comparison of Two Categorical Equivalences. Shanks Workshop on Algebra and Proof Theory, amplified by Frames and Category Theory. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
2010, Modal Substructural Logics. Algebra and Substructural Logics—Take 4. JAIST. Nomi, Japan.
2010, Extending the Godel-McKinsey-Tarski Translation to Substructural Logics. World Congress and School on Universal Logic III. Special Session on Substructural Logics. Lisbon, Portugal.
2009, Extending the Godel-McKinsey-Tarski Translation to Substructural Logics. MLG 2009. Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan.